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How to convert cubic Bezier curve into AnimationCurve

I need to transfer animation from 3d party animation software ([spine][1]) in to unity. Here is how it looks in spine ![alt text][2] according to [this page][3] > The Bézier curve array has 4 elements which define the control points: cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2. The X axis is from 0 to 1 and represents the percent of time between the two keyframes. The Y axis is from 0 to 1 and represents the percent of the difference between the keyframe’s values. here is what I see in input data [ 0.135, 0.74, 0.918, 0.17 ] and this is cooridnates for **P1** = (0.135, 0.74) and **P2** = (0.918, 0.17). for all cases **P0** = (0,0), **P3** = (1,1) At unity side, i need to provide **outTangent** for P0 and **inTangent** for P3 which is **keyframe[0]** and **keframe[1]** in case of curve has just 2 points. here is my calculation (which doesn't show correct result): **i** and **nextI** is a keyframe indexes of **P0** and **P3** in AnimationCurve, **tangentArray** is json array contains data specified above **[cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2]** **parseFloat** custom method, i can't use default (float)cx1 or float.parse(cx1) public static void setCustomTangents(AnimationCurve curve, int i, int nextI, JsonData tangentArray){ float cx1 = parseFloat(tangentArray[0]); float cy1 = parseFloat(tangentArray[1]); float cx2 = parseFloat(tangentArray[2]); float cy2 = parseFloat(tangentArray[3]); float time = (float)(curve.keys[nextI].time - curve.keys[i].time); float value = (float)(curve.keys[nextI].value - curve.keys[i].value); Keyframe thisKeyframe = curve[i]; Keyframe nextKeyframe = curve[nextI]; float outTangent = (cy1 * value)/ (cx1 * time); float inTangent = ((1 - cy2) * value)/ ((1 - cx2) * time); thisKeyframe.outTangent = outTangent; nextKeyframe.inTangent = inTangent; curve.MoveKey(i, thisKeyframe); curve.MoveKey(nextI, nextKeyframe); } This is result in unity ![alt text][4] I've already seen some similar bezier questions like [The algorithm of curve in Shuriken Particle System][5]. But 2d day can't figure out how to solve this problem, probably because my math skills is low =). Thanks. [1]: http://esotericsoftware.com [2]: /storage/temp/21030-spinecurve.png [3]: http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-json-format/ [4]: /storage/temp/21031-unity_curve.png [5]: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/438407/the-algorithm-of-curve-in-shuriken-particle-system.html

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